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A handbook for information-driven healthcare

Are you working within healthcare and wondering how you can best use AI, overcome legal barriers, and start working more data-driven to initiate the change towards information-driven and personalized healthcare?

En handbok för informationsdriven vård

The handbook and course are only available in Swedish.

AI Sweden, together with our partners Vinnova, Region Halland, Halmstad University, SKR (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions), and Karolinska University Hospital, has published a handbook in this very area.

How can I get a copy of the book?

Digital Course Version

  • A condensed digital course version of the handbook, adapted for mobile use, is also available for free, with AI-supported individualization provided by Sana Labs.

PDF version

(Please note that the book and course are currently only available in Swedish)

More about the book

A Handbook for Information-Driven Healthcare is based on the experiences of healthcare providers who have already gone through this process and are implementing AI support in clinical practice. Thanks to these insights, other stakeholders do not have to reinvent the wheel but can learn from those who have gone ahead and are leading the way!

The handbook is part of AI Sweden's sector initiative, Informationdriven healthcare. The goal is to transform Swedish healthcare to offer more information-driven, personalized, and scalable care with the support of AI. The result is more efficient healthcare resources and improved working conditions for healthcare professionals, ultimately leading to better health for residents.

The handbook describes solutions that have proven to work in clinical practice and demonstrates how to handle relevant areas such as legal regulations, personal privacy, leadership, data management, and more.


The book was developed in collaboration with numerous organizations across Sweden and co-authored by 13 senior experts in various fields:

Markus Lingman
Överläkare, strateg, adj professor och del av sjukhusledningen på Hallands Sjukhus, utnämnd till Årets AI-svensk 2020
Martin Engström
Leg Läkare, docent, specialist i Anestesi och intensivvård Hälso- och Sjukvårdsdirektör, Region Halland, Docent, Lunds Universitet
Magnus Clarin
Chef Akademin för informationsteknologi, Högskolan i Halmstad
Ola Lövenvald
Data scientist och datalagerarkitekt
Sebastian Berg och Carina Sigridsson
Dataskyddsombud för Region Halland, Jurist TechLaw
Håkan Nilsson
Controller och analytiker hälso- och sjukvård, Region Halland
Mattias Ohlsson
Professor i informationsteknologi, Högskolan i Halmstad
Torkel Strömsten
Professor vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Platform Director, Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets
Magnus Clarin
Akademichef ITE, Högskolan i Halmstad
Petra Svedberg
Professor i Omvårdnad vid Högskolan i Halmstad
Jens Nygren
Professor i hälsoinnovation vid Högskolan i Halmstad
Tomas Borgegård
Innovationsledare, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset
Peter Losman
Upphandlare MT-utrustning, Region Stockholm
Kye Andersson
Major Impact Initiatives, AI Sweden

Launch Webinar

Click on the image below to watch our launch webinar from October 5th about the handbook with Markus Lingman, Martin Engström, Petra Svedberg, Tomas Borgegård, and Kye Andersson.

For more information, contact

Lorna Bartram
Lorna Bartram
AI Transformation Strategist - Healthcare
+46 (0)70-635 71 01