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AI – professional skills, judgment and responsibility

The course AI – Professional Skills, Judgment, and Responsibility provides you with better opportunities to operate in an environment where AI and digitalization are becoming increasingly important. It is aimed at professionals across society, both in the private and public sectors, especially in cases where the organization is in the process of transitioning into an AI transformation.

AI – Yrkeskunnande, Omdöme och Ansvar

Purpose and goals of the course

Upon completing the course, participants should be able to, based on a holistic view of their professional expertise and digitalization work:

  • Understand the opportunities and challenges associated with the digitalization process and AI in their professional life.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the concepts of intelligence, decision-making, and ethics related to AI technology.
  • Formulate how their own professional knowledge can be impacted by and related to AI.
  • Actively participate in and drive discussions on the intersection between humans and machines.
  • Actively engage in discussions to ensure the judgment and responsibility of professionals when using AI within their own organization. This equips the participant to use AI-based systems more effectively and understand the boundaries of its suitability.

The documented dialogue during the course can be compiled for each workplace into a "Context and Skills Descriptions (CSD)," which includes a description of the daily challenges in the industry and profession in the form of complex and/or unforeseen situations that place significant demands on professional judgment and responsibility.

These challenges are described (documented) in categories with illuminating examples provided by participants. CSD can then be used as a basis and entry document in the work related to "Use Case Ideation, Assessment, and Prioritization" in the AI transformation process.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at participants with professional experience in all areas within the organization/company where the professional role is influenced by the use and implementation of AI.


Each module consists of:

Basic seminars - online introduction 2 h   

Workshop preparation – individual reading and writing tasks 9 h  

Workshops with group dialogue 4 h  

Total of 4 modules including introduction: 60 hours

Course language



The course primarily consists of physical seminars but can also be conducted online.

Course in Collaboration with Santa Anna IT Research Institute.

For more information, contact

Niclas Fock
Niclas Fock
Senior Advisor
+46 (0)72-224 22 84