Learn, network and get inspired! Take part in seminars, workshops and other events organized by AI Sweden.
Upcoming events
Impact Innovation Summit
Impact Innovation Summit is for you who create the life, cities and world we aspire for. To nurture...
Partner morning session - Sep.
How can AI optimize revenue for a company by leveraging advanced algorithms, data analytics, and...
Öppna AI-nätverket för kommuner och regioner (in Swedish)
Välkomna till höstens första möte med det öppna AI-nätverket för kommuner och regioner! Sedan hösten...
AI for boards and CEOs: How to evolve your organization with AI
Welcome to an exclusive CEO meeting for companies and organizations in Östergötland where you will learn more about the opportunities with AI.
AI-hackaton 2.0 (in Swedish)
Now it is time to take the next step to strengthen our welfare by organizing a national AI hackathon for the public sector. Theme of the day is "From idea to production in 3 months."
Lindholmen Open Day
Join AI Sweden and many others for a day of activities focused on innovation and collaboration at...
Slutseminarium för GPT-SW3 valideringsprojekt (in Swedish)
Under det här slutseminariet bjuder vi in alla som är intresserade av att ta del av resultaten från GPT-SW3 valideringsprojekt.
AI Sweden STHLM Open House
We invite our partners but also welcome representatives from organizations (both private and public...
Kickstart AI
Welcome to this fall's big AI-initiative for small and medium-sized enterprises in Skåne! This fall...
AI in Automotive
An Afternoon Focused on Concepts and Commercialization. The event will feature an industry panel...
Partner morning session - Oct.
Join us for an insightful Partner Morning Session. This event is exclusive to AI Sweden's partners...
Partner-to-Partner Meet-Up
Welcome to AI Sweden's Partner-to-Partner Meet-up in Gothenburg, Lund, and Stockholm! On October...
Konferens: AI4Energy
Welcome to the AI4Energy conference, focusing on how AI can be used to meet the future challenges in the energy sector.
Conference Collaboration for AI in municipalities and civil society
For three years, municipalities and civil society have received tailored support to explore how AI can enhance welfare and address societal challenges. Now you have the opportunity to listen to wise and driven colleagues, what lessons have been learned?
Partner morning session - Nov.
Join us for an insightful Partner Morning Session. This event is exclusive to AI Sweden's partners...
Partner morning session - Dec.
Join us for an insightful Partner Morning Session. This event is exclusive to AI Sweden's partners...
Past events
AI Labs - Sharing is Caring
AI Labs - Sharing is Caring is a recurring Partner Experience Sharing and Learning opportunity...
AI Labs Fika with guest speaker Dr. Linda Pipkorn from MIT
We’re excited to kick off our very first AI Labs Fika, a new series where you can enjoy a relaxing...
Industrial Immersion Exchange Program - Final Presentation
Join us as we showcase five different applications of AI and cyber security from 2024's cohort of...
Information meeting: AI course for social entrepreneurs (in Swedish)
Do you want to learn how AI can improve your operations? Starting this fall, AI Sweden, in collaboration with MinnaLearn,, and INCO, will offer the course AI for social entrepreneurs.
AI Sweden - Almedalen
For the first time, AI Sweden is now on site in its own garden during this year's Almedalen Week!
AI Labs Special Lectures
Emerging Threats & Solutions Protecting Critical Infrastructure – The Electric Grid
Upskilling as part of organisational AI Strategy
Join us for an engaging discussion on what changes to expect and why competence strategies are important to ensure long term success from implementation of AI solutions.
The Future of Mining: An Insight into Boliden Edge Lab Creating Conditions for R&D Activities in AI (in Swedish)
Welcome to join a presentation of Boliden Edge Lab, where we will gain insight into the innovations shaping the future of mining.
Summer mingle at AI Sweden for partners
Summer is approaching and before we all leave for our well-deserved holidays, we would like to invite you to a summer mingle at our Stockholm office!
AI Startup Program Spotlight with AI Sweden & NVIDIA
Are you an AI-startup searching for strategies to expand your business and join a community where you can share best practices and make valuable connections? If so, be sure to save the date: June 12th.
AI Rendezvous (in Swedish)
Finns det ett bättre sätt att börja sommaren än att prata AI? Vi tror inte det! Varmt välkomna till...
Partnerträff: AI-nätverket för offentlig sektor (in Swedish)
Under hösten 2023 slog AI Sweden ihop nätverken för kommuner, regioner, och myndigheter till det som...
Master Thesis Conference
We are delighted to invite you to participate in our upcoming Master Thesis Conference. It is a one-day event showcasing the innovative and creative research projects of the master’s students who have participated to our Master Thesis Program this year.
AI for the world: Singapore’s new AI strategy and growth opportunities in southeast Asia
Are you ready to explore the dynamic intersection of Singapore and AI? Join us for an exciting morning 10th of June as we dive into the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence and its transformative impact on both Singapore and Sweden.
AI Labs Special Lectures
Can 'Lying Smartly' Preserve Privacy? Exploring the Role of Normalizing Flows in Unlocking the Exponential Mechanism Don't miss this chance to enhance your knowledge and stay ahead in the evolving field of AI and data privacy!
Workshop on Language Models and Generative AI for Government Agencies (in Swedish)
On May 31st, we are organizing a preparatory workshop to identify and discuss key issues for government agencies that require coordinated action and political attention.
Co-working Day: NLP Seminar Series Soft Launch
Welcome to a day of co-working at AI Sweden's office in Stockholm!
Open Pitch Day (in Swedish)
Välkommen att pitcha dina AI-lösningar för skånska kommuner, DigIT Hub och skånska kommuner!
AI Sweden Industry Lab initiative
Welcome to the launch of AI Sweden's Industry Lab. This exclusive event is open only to AI Sweden industry partners. We hope you will join us in setting the stage for a future where AI is not just a tool, but a transformational force across industries.
Generative AI in Academia: Insights from University of Gothenburg
Welcome to Generative AI in Academia: Insights from the University of Gothenburg! We are at a...
Open AI-network for regions and municipalities (in Swedish)
Välkomna till vårens andra möte med det öppna AI-nätverket för kommuner och regioner, som samordnas...
Co-working Day: NLP Seminar Series Soft Launch
Welcome to our co-working day at AI Sweden's office, at Folkungagatan 44 in Stockholm!
Workshop on language technology for a multilingual Europe
AI Act in practice
This webinar will focus on the AI Act, offering insights into how it shapes the path of AI development and deployment across industries.