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AI - Organization, value and adoption

The program “AI - Organization, value and adoption” consists of a set of seven lectures and has been designed for those of you who are studying at one of the below Vocational Universities and who want to learn more about how AI may impact organizations, what value it can bring, and what to consider when implementing AI in an organization.

Two women talking, sitting at a table in front of laptops

Lecturers from AI Sweden and the AI industry will share insights on the topics, such as how an organization can succeed on its AI journey and what is important to know about data and laws related to AI.

There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion!

This is an inclusive initiative, welcoming students from all programs. The requirement is for you to be curious and to have the will to learn. 

This course is not a basic AI course, which means that it requires you to know the basics of AI. We have a training called Get started with AI available for you to learn the basics. 


  • Embarking on the AI Journey
  • Organizational change toward applied AI and generative  AI
  • Creating business value with AI
  • Creating an AI use-case
  • The data & operationalization challenges
  • Regulations and the law
  • Change management and organizational cultures

The following institutions have joined our mission to provide their students with  “AI - Organization, value and adoption":

  • EC Utbildning
  • IT-Högskolan
  • Teknikhögskolan

If you are currently enrolled at one of these institutions, we invite you to register for this exciting opportunity. Please note that registration requires the use of your official school email address.

Is your educational institution interested in offering these AI modules to your students? Don't hesitate to get in touch with Sofia Hedén to explore collaboration possibilities.

For more information, contact

Sofia Hedén
Sofia Hedén
Head of Talent Programs
+46 (0)72-174 91 00