AI in the service of the climate
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and our societies need to adapt urgently. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main tools for exponentially powerful social change. Still, little effort has so far been made to combine the two or understand the impact AI can have on combating carbon dioxide emissions and mitigating climate change.
That is why AI Sweden, RISE, and Stockholm Resilience Center have produced the report “AI in the Service of the Climate”. The report will serve as a catalyst for authorities, companies, and other stakeholders who are interested in further developing the potential of AI technologies and their use for the climate challenge. The report, which was funded by Vinnova, introduces a number of possibilities for AI solutions to curb climate change. Moreover, it puts Sweden in a global perspective and highlights its potential to take a leading role internationally.
The project was run by AI Sweden, Stockholm Resilience Centre and RISE, and funded by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency.