AI Sweden welcomes two new host organizations for its North and South Nodes: LTU Business in the North and Innovation Skåne in the South.
Together with LTU Business and Innovation Skåne, AI Sweden is strengthening its regional presence in the north and south of Sweden. The new host organizations, along with AI Sweden, will accelerate the use of artificial intelligence in both regions and at a national level – to drive growth and innovation throughout Sweden.
A key element of AI Sweden's work is to generate resources, knowledge, and tools for the benefit of many, together with 100+ partners from all sectors. Now, we’re connecting our new nodes to the national mission and working to promote collaborations between different sectors in the use of AI technology – both on a local, regional, and national level.
We welcome Innovation Skåne and LTU Business as new host organizations for AI Sweden. They already have a broad network and established trust in the ecosystem, and through this, we connect the national ecosystem with crucial regional innovation capacity", says Helena Theander, Head of Partner Management & Networks.
The North Node covers the regions of Västernorrland, Västerbotten, and Norrbotten, and AI Sweden's presence here is made possible by LTU Business as the host organization in Luleå. The Ecosystem Manager for the North Node is Viktoria Mattsson.
It will be fantastic to see how we can increase our capabilities in AI in the regions. This is an opportunity for our municipalities, regions, and businesses to create new ways of working that will hopefully make it easier for everyone involved," says Viktoria Mattsson, Ecosystem Manager for the North Node.
The South Node covers the regions of Skåne, Kronoberg, and Blekinge, and AI Sweden's presence here is made possible by Innovation Skåne as the host organization in Lund. The Ecosystem Manager for the South Node is Carl Malm.
We look forward to working together with AI Sweden to increase the use and understanding of AI in southern Sweden. With Innovation Skåne's unique and neutral role in the innovation ecosystem, we hope to generate benefit and engage interest in AI among both private and public organizations as well as educational institutions", says Carl Malm, Ecosystem Manager.
Helena Theander, Head of Partner Management & Networks, Viktoria Mattsson, Ecosystem Manager for the North Node and Carl Malm, Ecosystem Manager for the South Node.
With a national mission, AI Sweden has a presence in nodes and offices throughout the country: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund, Örebro, Eskilstuna, Luleå, and Linköping. Read more about our nodes and co-working spaces.