Welcome to SPoC (Space Proof of Concept)!
A creative and explorative event on how to train AI models in space - the ultimate edge
We hereby invite data scientists, developers and space experts to explore the possibilities of performing edge learning in space.
At this creative, collaborative and explorative event, AI Sweden, the Swedish National Space Agency and the RISE Space Data Lab and expert partners aim to inspire you and brainstorm with you around proof of concepts (PoCs) for space, utilizing the infrastructure in the Edge Lab as a simulated space setting.
The event will include: inspirational speakers, including a keynote by Christer Fuglesang; access to edge devices (simulated satellites); and space data from Copernicus Satellites in the Edge Lab.
Please note that the Collaboraton sessions require some level of technical/space knowledge and/or coding skills. We expect participants to be relatively comfortable in a software development environment.
Please also note that we need you to sign up for the Collaboraton session, as participant numbers may be limited. The Collabraton is accessable both remotely and onsite. For those who wish to attend onsite, cautionary measures will be taken due to the current pandemic.
Introduction and keynotes, incl. Christer Fuglesang
Online. Open session.
Keynote speakers:
Online/onsite. Session sign up required here.
8 September
Online/onsite. Session sign up required here.
9 September
Online/onsite. Session sign up required here.
Conclusion, wrap up and sharing of the POCs.
Online. Open session.
The final application date for taking part in the Collaboraton is 1 September 2021.
Note that the open sessions (introduction and conclusion) will take place online. For the Collaboraton sessions, you can participate online or in person at the Edge Lab at AI Sweden, Gothenburg.