AI Sweden will have representatives participating in multiple panels during Almedalsveckan, engaging in discussions on the various applications of AI, ranging from communication, energy, to healthcare.
AI and metaverse – the thoughts of Gen-Z
Organizer: Fryshuset, Samsung Electronics Nordic
Place: Donnersgatan 6
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AI's impact on communicators – tool or threat?
Organizer: Sveriges Kommunikatörer
Place: Specksrum 4, "Bönsalen, Gotlands Kulturrum, Specksrum 6"
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AI as a social changer - the effects on companies, the economy and jobs
Organizer: Swedbank
Place: Volters gränd 8
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Can AI replace humanists?
Organizer: Humtank
Place: Hamnplan, H215
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AI and Forestry - love at first sight?
Organizer: Skogsindustrierna
Place: Hästgatan 2, "Rosa Huset, 1 trappa upp"
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Access to clean resilient energy when society needs it – how do we create commitment?
15:30 - 16:30
Organizer: Sustainable Innovation, Power Circle, Linköpings universitet
Plats: fartyg, Teaterskeppet, "Stora matsalen"
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Data-driven ways of working - better health for everyone
Organizer: AI Sweden, Lindholmen Science Park
Place: Hamnplan 5, nedre plan
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AI in healthcare - in reality
Organizer: Visiba Care
Place: Donnersgatan 6, "Hansaplatsen, mitt emot Almedalsscenen"
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How is AI changing our society?
07:30 - 12:00
Organizer: New Republic
Place: Strandgatan 22, "New Republics Almedalsarena"
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The search for the truth
Organizer: Svensk PR, MyNewsdesk
Place: Kronstallgränd 4
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Is it possible to stay focused on community building when the digital world is rushing on?
Organizer: Business Arena
Place: Strandgatan 9, Supper
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AI and trade – how the buying journey can be improved with artificial intelligence
09:00 - 09:50
Organizer: HUI Research
Place: Donnersgatan 1, Kårhuset Rindi, "Handelns Hus"
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