The six Phd students that are chosen to participate in the Machine Learning Summer School at Skoltech, are now in Moscow and have started their course. They have exciting days ahead - during two weeks they will be a part of a high profiled education together with prominent artificial intelligence researchers from all over the world.
The Machine Learning Summer school (MLLS) takes the form of an intensive 2 week experience with a full immersion into Skoltech's innovative and internationally research-oriented community. By this, the participants will be able to get deeper into their ML-knowledge. The students will meet and make deep relations with international students, academics and professionals within their own area.
That the course is popular and highly ranked is no doubt, approx 700 students were applying to the around 100 seats on the course. Read more about The Machine Learning Summerschool
Behind the participation is AI Innovation of Sweden in collaboration with CHAIR - Chalmers AI Research Centre, that handle the scholaship and the arrangement.
“The summer school is an excellent opportunity for our PhD students to learn the latest progress in research and innovation. The curious Swedish PhDs will increase their views and learn a lot when the meet and work with about 100 peers” tells Professor Mats Hanson, Senior Advisor at AI Innovation of Sweden.
The Phd´s that are selected from the open Swedish MLLSs scholarship call are: