Individuals meeting the requirements now have the opportunity to apply for 15 doctoral positions, with focus on various dimensions of video-based technologies for health and wellbeing. The positions are located in five different EU countries - Austria, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Sweden. Now is the time to apply - the deadline is on November 20!
This is a unique possibility for individuals to gain 3-4 years of knowledge and skills development. The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI) at Stockholm University is a partner in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network, and hosts three of the positions, focusing on the ethical and legal aspects.
The research projects are part of the four-year project visuAAL - Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-Based Technologies and Services for Active and Assisted Living; “The aim of visuAAL is to bridge the knowledge gap between users’ requirements and the appropriate and secure use of video-based AAL technologies to deliver effective and supportive care to older adults managing their health and wellbeing.”
Applicants of any nationality can apply - Swedish applicants are eligible to apply for the 12 positions located in the four other countries.
Accommodation and travel expenses are covered for.
Start of employment: 1 March 2021
Read more about the positions on EURAXESS, and apply through visuAAL.
Deadline for applications is November 20.