AI has become a crucial technology within the healthcare industry, demonstrating its impact notably at Unity Health Toronto's hospitals in Canada. As one example, more than 20 percent fewer patients are dying on units that use an AI monitoring model developed at the health network based on research that has been submitted for publication.
The collaboration between Unity Health Toronto and AI Sweden promises to bring these significant Canadian insights to the Swedish healthcare system.
"Unity Health is among the world's leading healthcare providers that have successfully implemented AI in a clinical setting. Many showcase fascinating pilots, but Unity Health knows how to implement the technology in the clinical context. Partnering with them will be incredibly valuable for Sweden's healthcare system."
Johanna Bergman, Director of Strategic Development at AI Sweden.
Unity Health Toronto is a healthcare organization with three hospital sites and services spanning Toronto’s core. Its services range from primary care to acute care, post-acute care, rehabilitation, palliative and long-term care. It works with its system partners to advance excellence in health care through education and research. More than 50 AI and analytics models have been deployed across various applications at the health network – from inpatient monitoring to streamlining scheduling processes. This not only enhances the quality of care provided but also improves the working environment for staff. The inpatient monitoring model – called CHARTwatch – optimizes patient responsibility distribution among staff, balancing workloads and consequently increasing patient safety.
In November, AI Sweden and Unity Health penned a 'letter of intent' that lays the foundation for Swedish-Canadian healthcare cooperation with a focus on leveraging artificial intelligence. This initiative will explore valuable applications and implement AI within healthcare settings. The work will begin in 2024 and expand by 2025.
"Healthcare is one of AI Sweden’s key sector initiatives. Gaining access to some of the world’s top experts in operationalizing AI within healthcare is of course invaluable," adds Johanna Bergman.
Muhammad Mamdani, vice president of Data Science and Advanced Analytics at Unity Health Toronto sees shared objectives as a solid foundation:
Markus Lingman, chief physician and strategist at Region Halland, who attended an initial meeting with Unity Health comments:
"Unity Health's work is very impressive, not least regarding implementing the models in the clinical space. Probably the best I have seen. Their challenges resonate well across the Atlantic, and I'm looking forward to further conversations."
Maria Vikingsson, head of data and analysis at Västra Götalandsregionen was also present at the initial meeting:
“Seeing what Unity Health has accomplished in practice is inspiring! They have implemented several AI models that have both improved care quality and staff working conditions. We can learn from this; I look forward to our next steps together.”
During 2024, AI Sweden plans for a couple of activities together with Unity Health and representatives from Swedish healthcare.
Johanna Bergman also reveals that the partnership extends beyond two countries; it could involve more sectors than healthcare:
“Unity Health expressed a clear interest in exchanging experiences with companies utilizing AI across industries like automotive manufacturing. It highlights the value of the expansive partner network that AI Sweden fosters.”