The AI Sweden Nomination Committee has been appointed through a decision of the AI Sweden Partner Forum and consists of the following members:
- Daniel Rencrantz, Deputy Director General & Director of Administration, Vinnova
- Anna Lundhagen, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, SLU
- Staffan Truvé, CTO and Co-founder, Recorded Future
The nomination Committee will now start working to develop its proposal for a new Steering Committee to be elected by the Partner Forum on the 21th of June.
If you want to get in touch with the Nomination Committee, please contact Mikael Ljungblom:
The Nomination Committee shall consist of three representatives representing industry, public sector, and academia and will be coordinated by the sitting Chairperson of the Steering Committee. The Nomination Committee nominates the Steering Committee. Read more about AI Sweden's governance