AI technology has the potential to solve our biggest healthcare challenges. It will free up administration time and improve the healthcare for everyone in Sweden. To be able to successfully use AI in healthcare, Swedish healthcare providers, at regions and municipal level must collaborate with each other and with the industry, academia and decision-makers.
The information driven health-care is the basis for a transformation that enable us to meet the needs and expectations of the future.
Kye Andersson, who works with Major Impact Projects at AI Sweden, initiaties the seminar by removing the complexity from AI, focusing on what AI makes possible and what can be done with AI, both from an organizational and societal perspective. He present examples of applied AI from around the world.
Markus Lingman, MD PhD and strategist at Region Halland, tells more about what an innovative care system means and what is required to use the latest AI technology to promote health and use the resources at the best way. He will present how this connects to the Swedish LifeScience strategy.
Tomas Borgegård, Innovation Manager, Karolinska University Hospital, twill present the importance of strategy and collaboration with industry and academia to drive change in healthcare, and gives us concrete examples of how innovation procurement can be used to increase the application of AI decision support in healthcare.
Read more about the innovation environment Information-driven health here
The seminar is part of Innovationsveckan 2020, a platform for everyone who develops the public sector. We create the program together, with activities locally and digitally. All actors who contribute to the public sector being able to meet the challenges of the future, are welcome to arrange activities during the week. Innovation Week is coordinated by SKR, Vinnova, the Procurement Authority and DIGG.