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The AI council

An AI Council with representatives from twelve municipalities has been established  within the framework of the AI Initiative for Municipalities and Civil Society 'Kraftsamlingen' (funded by Vinnova). The council's work is jointly led by AI Sweden and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).

Council members are selected to ensure the broadest possible representation of the country's municipalities. This includes participants from large and small municipalities, those that have already started using AI, and those that have yet to begin. This diverse mix is crucial for capturing a variety of perspectives on how municipalities are using AI, both in terms of opportunities presented by technological advancements as well as the challenges associated with them.

Members of the Council

12 portraits in polaroid frames
  • Katarina Lagerqvist, Chief Digital Officer, Kristinehamn
  • Anna Bengtsson, digitaliseringsledare, Herrljunga/Vårgårda
  • Stefan Eriksson, utvecklingsledare digitalisering, Gagnef
  • Iwona Carlsson, Chief Digital Officer, Kungsbacka
  • Maria Svensson, utvecklingschef, Värmdö
  • Frédéric Rambaud, digitaliseringschef, Eskilstuna
  • Fredrik Edholm, digitaliseringsstrateg, Skövde
  • Mathias Andersson, data scientist/AI lead, Helsingborg
  • Mårten Lindskog, AI co-ordinator, Stockholm
  • Fredrik Hallgren, utvecklingsledare AI, Göteborg
  • Jari Koponen, programansvarig Handlingsplan för digitalisering, Sundsvall
  • Torbjörn Svedung, CDO/CISO, Mellerud

Objectives of the AI Council


Identify and prioritize areas of application, needs, and strategically relevant issues to enhance value creation with AI in Sweden's municipalities.


Develop recommendations for concrete initiatives that promote value creation through the use of AI in the municipal sector.


Provide insights, perspectives, and suggestions for the support tool that AI Sweden will develop at the conclusion of the initiative.

The AI Council is an important initiative for Sweden's municipalities. We hope that we can set a shared direction for the strategic work with AI in municipal Sweden and create opportunities for all municipalities, large and small, to fully utilize the possibilities of artificial intelligence.

A portrait picture of Katarina Lagerqvist in black and white

Katarina Lagerqvist
Chief Digital Officer, Kristinehamns kommun

The AI Council's recommendations

To help Swedish municipalities start their AI journey, the council has identified a few key recommendations:

National AI strategy: A national AI strategy is needed to clarify priorities and the division of responsibilities among municipalities, regions, and government agencies.

Financial support and collaboration: Government support for AI innovation in municipalities should be tied to long-term investments and stakeholder collaboration.

Shared infrastructure and standardization: National coordination and development of shared infrastructure for data management and AI applications, emphasizing standardization and legal compliance.

Skills development: Initiatives to enhance AI competence in the municipal sector, with a particular focus on leaders and decision-makers.

Policy and regulatory development: Coordinated policy development and support for unified legal interpretations, especially around GDPR, through regulatory sandboxes.

For more information, contact

Andreas Skog portrait photo
Andreas Skog
AI Change Agent
+46 (0)73-819 08 63


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