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Young talent program

Young Talents is a program for newly graduated high school (Swedish “gymnasium”) candidates with an interest in AI. They are educated and boosted at AI Sweden during the fall and work at AI Sweden’s partners during the spring.

Young Talent Program

Partner offering

To attract top talent to Sweden and develop our potential, diversity and a dynamic work environment will be a top priority. AI Sweden wants to provide opportunities for talented individuals based on potential, not only experience, contrary to traditional structures.

In August 2021, AI Sweden launched a talent program with participants newly graduated from high school (Swedish “gymnasium”). The first batch of students studied Teknikspets within AI at ABB-gymnasiet, had extensive knowledge of AI tools and frameworks, and had experience in applying AI during their studies. In 2022, the program opened up for a wider range of applicants and had participants in several locations around Sweden.

This year we are accepting applications from applicants from all across Sweden, as we look to expand the program nationally. The participants will be newly graduated from high school, with an interest in AI and technology. 

The participants will be offered courses at AI Sweden during the fall, as well as take part in our different projects and get additional training from the team at AI Sweden. The studies will include deep learning, natural language processing, distributed machine learning, and autonomous systems.

During the spring of 2024, participants are available to work 50-100% with one of AI Sweden’s partners. Zenseact hosted two participants in January-May 2022, and four participants during the spring of 2023. They are happy with the program and impressed by the students.

“The participants in the Young Talent program are incredibly competent, if I didn’t know about their background I would have guessed that they had a master’s degree. They have brought a lot of value to the whole team.” – Johnny Kemi, Engineering Manager at Zenseact

→ More partner testimonials

Are you prepared to take the step and onboard our AI talents into your organization? Or are you a partner already working with recruitment, training, and attraction of AI talents, and want to be part of the AI Sweden team addressing this need?

Contact Sofia Hedén, Project Manager Talent Programs


Candidate offering

Applications are open until May 18th. 

The program spans over 50% during the fall (2024) and 50-100% during the spring (2025). The fall involves studies of different AI technologies and supporting AI Sweden’s researchers and partners. During the spring you’ll be doing real work at some of AI Sweden’s partner organizations.

The program is paid and you will receive compensation for your time and work.

Read about the experiences of three young talents working with three different organizations

My idea for the program was to learn about AI, get lots of helpful contacts, secure internship opportunities and lay a strong foundation for my future career. I am happy to say that all of these goals have been achieved! - Minna Leijonhufvud, Young Talent 22/23

The Young Talent program is the best thing I have done in a long time. I never thought I could work with something like this so soon. - Herman Hallonqvist, Young Talent 22/23

As a participant in the Young Talent program, you will learn more about different AI and machine learning technologies, and work on real projects with AI Sweden and our partner organizations. There are no prerequisites besides having graduated high school between the years 2021 and 2023, and not having started other studies at college or university. Your willingness to learn and interest in AI, programming and/or new technologies is what matters.

Besides the knowledge I have gained in for example object detection and language models, the Young Talent program has given me the opportunity to meet companies, work with extremely competent people, and explore an industry in which I will most likely work in the future. - Joakim Eriksson, Young Talent 21/22

The best parts of the program have been meet-ups and working on projects with different types of organizations. I have a more defined sense of what I want to work with in the future and I have already established a network with some very interesting contacts. - Victor Fagerström, Young Talent 21/22

In December 2022, some of the Young Talent program participants held the event AI for the future, where they talked about what artificial intelligence is, their experience of the program, and asked questions about AI to people in the industry. 
Watch the recording here

Young Talents 2023/2024

Sofia Nguyen

Sofia Nguyen

Young Talent
Location:  Linköping
Niels Houben

Niels Houben

Young Talent
Location:  Linköping
Felix Folkebrant

Felix Folkebrant

Young Talent
Location:  Linköping
Arvid Nordström

Arvid Nordström

Young Talent
Location:  Örebro
Joel Karlsson

Joel Karlsson

Young Talent
Location:  Örebro
Gustav Wreth

Gustav Wreth

Young Talent
Location:  Örebro
Valter Jakobsson

Valter Jakobsson

Young Talent
Location:  Örebro
Tilda Thorin

Tilda Thorin

Young Talent
Location:  Lund
Akash Arjun

Akash Arjun

Young Talent
Location:  Lund
Wilhelm Malé

Wilhelm Malé

Young Talent
Location:  Lund
Adam Gimfalk

Adam Gimfalk

Young Talent
Location:  Lund
Pontus Wallin

Pontus Wallin

Young Talent
Location:  Eskilstuna
Gustav Jakobsson

Gustav Jakobsson

Young Talent
Location:  Eskilstuna
August Wanger

August Wanger

Young Talent
Location:  Eskilstuna

For more information, contact

Sofia Hedén
Sofia Hedén
Head of Talent Programs
+46 (0)72-174 91 00