The work on the pre-study for the planned AI-node in the Stockholm area has now begun. To get a better understanding of the needs and opportunities that exist, the project started up with four workshops with stakeholders from industry, academia, innovation centres, incubators, startups, science parks, municipalities and regions.
The purpose of the workshops was to together identify needs and opportunities for the upcoming node so it can be set up in an optimal way. A total of 48 participants from industry, academia, startups, innovation centers, science parks, municipalities and regions were involved during the days, and a lot of ideas and important input was gathered. Agneta Jacobson, Kista Science City, leads the prestudy,
“It is really encouraging to see the willingness to collaborate on the formation of the Stockholm node. There are lots of ongoing AI activities in the Stockholm region and we want to secure that this initiative will complement and strengthen these activities.
In parallel with the workshops, many important separate interviews are being made and an interim steering board has been set up. The result of the pre-study will be presented at the end of September.
In addition to the pre-study in Stockholm, the work has also begun in southern Sweden, where the planning is run in collaboration with Region Skåne and Mobile Heights.