AI Sweden is joining the WASP Research Arena – Media and Language to accelerate the development of large-scale language models for Swedish. These models make it possible to work in an automated way with the Swedish language and to draw conclusions from amounts of data that are so large that it is impossible for humans to see these patterns. The models can solve everything from categorizing and simplifying complicated texts to generating reliable information about specific disciplines.
Another area that will be jointly explored is how so-called multimodal models can be developed and applied. In addition to data in the form of text, images and moving material will also be used here. For example, the models create opportunities to search in video material with the help of text, but also to search for information in text material with the help of an image or an object.
- By linking the AI ecosystem, we ensure that our investments strengthen the competitiveness of all of Sweden and our common welfare. Large-scale language models for Swedish are a strategically important area where we jointly can make great strides forward. We are therefore very pleased to initiate this collaboration to accelerate the use of AI in Sweden, says Daniel Gillbad, Co-Director Scientific Vision at AI Sweden.
A prerequisite in the development of the new language and multimodal models is the enormous computing power that the supercomputer Berzelius possesses. The computer is located at Linköping University and is financed through a donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
AI Sweden's leading position in applied language technology complements WASP's assignments in basic research well and the collaboration opens new opportunities for Swedish research and AI use.