The Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, will give public sector the possibility to quickly get expert opinions on potential AI projects. The initiative aims to offload public organisations in the strained situation that has occurred as a result of the Corona crisis. AI Innovation of Sweden and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions are assisting Vinnova in implementing the initiative.
The offer is directed towards public organistions who rapidly want to start using AI solutions in their operations. They can now get free of charge expert opinions on possible AI projects to evaluate their potential and feasibility. As a result, organisations can act more quickly and while making sure the solutions keep a high standard and deliver a concrete value for the limited resources available.
AI can make a big difference in a number of public operations. It can involve assistance in decision-making in the healthcare sector, advanced analyses for social security or adaptive tools for education. But it is often a time-consuming procedure to assess the value of different solutions.
- We are committed to help public organisations in the best possible way in the midst of the vast societal challenges we are facing. We are happy to be able to assist with our knowledge of AI and its applications, says Daniel Gillblad, Co-Director AI Innovation of Sweden.
Read the full news post on Vinnovas website
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