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Welcome to Partner Breakfast Seminar October 22


This time we will evaluate the hybrid format, with live breakfast meeting, bouth in Gothenburg and Stockholm in parallel to the digital meeting!

Arranged by: 
AI Sweden

Theme: Measuring human development from space: satellites, deep-learning algorithms, and surveys

At this week's partner breakfast, we will meet and listen to Affiliate Docent, Adel Daoud, Data Science and AI division, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Read more


Day and time: October 22, 08.00 - 9.00 am.
Partners only!


On site: AI Sweden, Lindholmspiren 11 (Gotheburg) Breakfast is served from 07.30!

On site: AI Sweden, Stockholm Office (Gallerian, Hamngatan 37) Breakfast is served from 07.30!

Online: Zoom (link in your booking confrimation)

By this morning seminars, we want to explore a platform for partners within AI Sweden to meet, discuss, and find new touching points. In the seminars, our partners present different topics related to AI and technology. We encourage a vivid discussion among the participants in the second half of the meeting.Please forward this invitation to persons within your organization, with an interest to learn more about AI.

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