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Welcome to Partner Breakfast Seminar, March 25


By this morning seminars, we want to explore a platform for partners within AI Sweden to meet, discuss, and find new touching points. In the seminars, our partners present different topics related to AI and technology. We encourage a vivid discussion among the participants in the second half of the meeting.

Arranged by: 
AI Sweden

Theme: Accelerating AI - presentation of the City of Stockholm's focus and plan for Artificial Intelligence 

The City of Stockholm´s Vision 2040 highlights that the city needs to constantly strive to be at the forefront of research and innovation. The work on artificial intelligence (AI), is an important part of this work. To develop the work on artificial intelligence, the City of Stockholm has an AI plan. The AI plan should be seen as a strategic direction and is the city executive office's tool for coordinating AI towards administrations and companies.

At the breakfast meeting, the city's AI coordinator Anna Hörlén presents the city's AI plan and also reflects on challenges and opportunities for the public sector regarding AI.

Speaker: Stockholm city's AI coordinator, Anna Hörlén
Day and time: March 25, 08.00 - 9.00 am.
Place: Welcome to participate in our Stockholm or Gothenburg office or online.

Partners only!

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