By this morning seminars, we want to explore a platform for partners within AI Sweden to meet, discuss, and find new touching points. In the seminars, our partners present different topics related to AI and technology. We encourage a vivid discussion among the participants in the second half of the meeting.
The Data Stewardship is a role existing across many different industries and is now evolving to meet the extended need for how to handle data. AstraZeneca has teamed upp with the Gothenburg University, Chalmers University of technology and AI Sweden to understand how the role needs to be developed and the type of uppskilling that will be needed to close the knowledge gap.
We would like to invite AI Sweden partners to an open session, to collaborate and explore the extended needs of this role.
Meet Erik Leijon and Max Petzold who will present the background and an analysis of the current education landscape that will serve as a discussion starter. We invite all of you to discuss your needs related to the role of Data Steward.
Erik Leijon – Data Office Capability Programme Manager, AstraZeneca R&D
Max Petzold – Director Swedish National Data Service, Gothenburg University
Day and time: March 11, 08.00 - 9.00 am.
Place: Welcome to participate in our Stockholm or Gothenburg office or online.
Partners only!