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Webinar: AI as an enabler for circular economy


Sign up for this free webinar and learn more about how to structure your data and by using AI, make your business more circular.

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The program for the webinar contains several interesting speakers who provide examples of how companies and organizations can benefit of using AI in the work of becoming more circular.

Johan Felix, Innovation Manager for RE:Source, tells what RE:Source does and gives tips on ways to finance companies and organizations that want to start their AI journey.

Bengt EliassonPublicis Sapient, and Klas Cullbrand, Chalmers Industriteknik, present a Vinnova-funded report in which they mapped opportunities and obstacles to using AI in the transition to a more circular economy.

Ebba Josefson Lindqvist, Project Manager at the Data Factory, AI Innovation of Sweden, talks about how AI Innovation of Sweden works with the Data Factory and how data and data factories can be a tool for the development of AI for circular solutions.

Peter HietalaEasycom, talks about how AI can contribute to better resource efficiency and material management while companies' costs can be reduced. The examples focus on challenges and solutions for managing and reducing returns in the fashion and interior design industry's e-shops.


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