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VITALIS 2020 - Information-driven, individualized healthcare through applied AI

Arranged by: 
AI Sweden
Region Halland

Meet Johanna Bergman, AI Innovation of Sweden and Marcus Lingman, Region Halland at Vitalis 2020.

AI will play an important role in solving healthcare challenges and generating increased value for patients. In order to successfully develop and distribute AI solutions, Swedish healthcare providers, especially regions and municipalities, must collaborate with each other and industry, academia and decision makers.

  • How can we build new collaborative structures for regions and healthcare providers?
  • How do we identify, lift and scale the best examples? H
  • ow can we associate caregivers with the Swedish AI ecosystem?
  • What actors are needed for success and how do we measure success?

Vitalis is the largest eHealth event in Scandinavia, yearly attracting attendees with the shared aim of building their knowledge and improving tomorrow’s health care. This year’s Vitalis will take place online. We hope to see you next year at Vitalis on 18-20 May 2021. r

More about Vitalis 2020

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