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Swedish NLP webinars - The Transformer Architecture


This is a bi-weekly webinar series for people who work with, or are interested in, NLP. The idea is to provide a platform for both academic researchers and industry practitioners to present, listen to, and discuss recent work in NLP.

Arranged by: 
AI Sweden and RISE NLU Group

By practitioners, for practitioners

The main focus of the webinars is NLP development in Sweden and for the Swedish language, but international breakthroughs may also be discussed. 

Each webinar features an initial 45-minute presentation that covers recent work that in some sense is relevant for Swedish NLP, followed by 45 minutes of discussion.

Time: Thursdays even weeks 14:00-15:30

Register here

Upcoming webinars: 

20 January: What is a Transformer and what is the difference between the current models? 
- National Library of Sweden and RISE NLU Group 

This seminar provides an overview over the Transformer architecture for language models, and discusses the differences between the currently most popular models (e.g. BERT, GPT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, XLNet, Electra, etc.). We also present the current Swedish language models, and introduce the latest, and to date biggest, Swedish language model based on the Electra architecture.

3 February: How do we use language models in practice?
- Peltarion and RISE NLU Group

This seminar presents a best practice for using language models to solve real tasks.

17 February: Climate change and large-scale language models
Link for registration to this particular webinar and more information on the topic to come.