The NLP Seminar Series at AI Sweden is a bi-weekly forum for people who work with or are interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Join us online or on site at the AI Sweden Stockholm office at Fleminggatan 41. We welcome all attendees to work from the AI Sweden Stockholm office for the entire day.
Wednesday September 28, 15.00-16.30
Title: "Natural" Natural Language Processing
Speaker: Slav Petrov, Distinguished Scientist / Senior Research Director, Google
Abstract: Natural language processing has often relied on intermediate (linguistically motivated) representations. Advances in representation learning are making it increasingly possible to train end-to-end models, even for complex tasks and with little supervision. We are increasingly also seeing multi-task models that perform well on a variety of tasks. In this talk I will review work in this area carried out at Google Research over the last couple of years and draw attention to some exciting results demonstrating that models can benefit from task descriptions and side information expressed in natural language, opening up opportunities for more "natural" interactions with natural language processing systems.
Each seminar features an initial 45-minute presentation by practitioners or researchers followed by discussion. The NLP Seminar Series is organized by AI Sweden and RISE NLP Group.
Magnus Sahlgren, Head of Research, Natural Language Understanding at AI Sweden
Joakim Nivre, Head of Natural Language Processing at RISE.
Proposals for presentations can be sent to or