Welcome to interesting lectures and events on our theme month ”mAI” in May.
The purpose is to inspire and increase the awareness and good examples of AI. mAI is organized by Science Park Skövde, in collaboration with AI Sweden. You can either take part in the lectures and events in Skövde or online. Here you will find all activities under mAI.
· 5/5 at 13-15: Welcome to the inauguration of our theme month mAI
- Lecture: Collection of power for digitalization and increased use of A
- Lecture: AI from an international perspective
· 9/5 at 12-13: How you can begin your AI journey
· 1/5 at 12-13: AI in practise
·12/5 at 12-13: Greener cities using satellite data and image analysis
·13/5 at 12-13: Digital twins and AI - why do they need each other?
·17/5 at 09-12: Opportunities with image analysis - several successful examples
- Industrial examples of image analysis with AI
- AI to weigh and recognize pig individuals
- Drones and AI in agriculture
- Start up hacking of AI
· 20/5 at 12-13: The world's most profitable agriculture with data-driven business models
· 23/5 at 12-13: How can machine learning renew game development?
· 24/5 at 12-13: Infusing the gaming industry with AI/ML
· 25/5 at 15-17: The Amazon Web Services Deepracer competition