The idea with Scene for AI is to generate interest and be a natural gathering place for everybody who is interested in AI, thereby stimulating collaborations both within the university, local businesses and with other regional national and international actors interested in AI.
The progress in the field of AI has meant that the technology has become increasingly powerful, and its use has become increasingly common in both the private and public sectors. To meet this development and to promote cooperation and collaborations both internally between the university's faculties and departments, and with external organizations, Linköping University has created the AI Initiative. In order to increase contact surfaces both internally and externally, the AI Initiative in collaboration with AI Sweden arranges LiU SAI, a seminar series with presentations from both prominent academics and representatives of leading organizations. This spring, presentations were arranged with the Security Service (SÄPO), the Department of Infrastructure and the Swedish central bank (Riksbanken), and we look forward to an autumn with more exciting events.
LiU SAI is therefore very happy to be able to invite you to a workshop on digital transformation with the world-leading truck manufacturer Volvo. At the event, Thomas Nordenskjöld and Niklas Samuelsson will present and discuss how Volvo uses AI technology/analytics to, for example, optimize the company's logistics flows.
The event is divided into two parts, first an overall presentation about Volvo's work with AI as decision support and then group discussions to discuss AI from a technical and organizational perspective. The group discussing AI from a technical perspective will discuss how to use AI technology for decision support in, for example, logistics, while the organizational perspective will discuss Volvo's experiences in becoming a data-driven organization.
The event will be organized in the Zenit house on October 3 at 2.30 pm and will be held in English.
All events will be open for academia, industry and the general public. However, the specific target groups, technical depth and language will vary from event to event. All the events will be recorded and available to watch afterwards.