Attracting and recruiting talent in AI is a real challenge for many organizations and hinders the practical and value-generating use of AI. As a first step in addressing this, AI Sweden is organizing the AI Sweden Talent Day!
Recordning from the live event:
Attracting and recruiting talent in AI is a real challenge for many organizations and hinders the practical and value-generating use of AI. As a first step in addressing this, AI Sweden is organizing the AI Sweden Talent Day! Join us on August 26, as we open the doors to our first AI Sweden Talent Day! The day will include the launch of a whole new partner program, new collaborations and several initiatives aiming at increasing our partners’ access to talent, both nationally and internationally, and on several levels all the way from early-career talents to Ph.D. students.
The day will be moderated by Peter Kurzwelly, AI Sweden.
A link to the webinar will be sent out the day before the event. Register here and see the full program