AI Sweden in Almedalen 2024

For the first time, there was a dedicated AI scene in Almedalen. We welcomed attendees to our garden for three full days of activities and panels. Participants met the sharpest minds and the bravest leaders in discussions on crucial future issues for Sweden and the very latest in AI.
What actions must Sweden take to have any chance at all? How much do we really need to invest and how urgent is it? What are other countries doing - what can we learn from the best?
In AI Sweden's garden, we tied together key issues across sectors and painted a picture of how Sweden positioned itself against relevant international developments.
In line with An AI strategy for Sweden that AI Sweden launched earlier this year, our goal was to catalyze initiatives that solve major societal challenges and strengthen our competitiveness.
A warm welcome to AI Sweden's garden!
Watch AI Sweden's Garden Highlights
Didn't have the possibility to go to Almedalen this year, missed a program item, or simply want to relive AI Sweden's Garden program? Look no further. We have gathered all the recordings for you to watch here.
June 25
Short Interviews
June 26
June 27
Tuesday June 25
Organizer: AI Sweden
How equipped are we for the disruptive effects of AI? How are Sweden and other countries working to capture AI opportunities rapidly? Panel discussion on why an AI strategy for Sweden is needed, analyzing Sweden's current position and lessons learned from Canada - one of the world's most ambitious AI countries.
As AI technology development continues to break new ground, countries are rushing to realize the value of AI. Governments of leading countries are investing heavily in infrastructure, training, and adoption. However, more actors than governments need to provide the conditions for the societal improvements that AI enables.
In March, AI Sweden launched an AI strategy for Sweden. Welcome to a panel discussion on how we can accelerate the use of artificial intelligence together. With a global outlook, what can Sweden learn from the best?
Martin Svensson, Managing Director AI Sweden
Jason La Torre, Ambassador of Canada to Sweden
Anna Wikland, Managing Director Google Sweden
Thomas Floberg, VP for Microsoft Sverige
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
There is a long line of AI pilots in healthcare in Sweden, but so far very little has been implemented on a large scale. How do we move from talk to action and start using AI to benefit patients and staff?
There are high hopes that AI will solve many of the problems facing welfare and Swedish healthcare. Today, several AI pilots and research projects are underway, but many are the same and the wheel is being reinvented over and over again. How can we instead take the step towards broad adoption and large-scale implementation? And who in Sweden is actually leading the way towards more AI-driven healthcare? By bringing together voices from Sweden's regions, along with representatives from government and industry, we explore what actions are necessary to scale up and start using AI for truly better care that saves more lives.
Ingela Lidén, IT Director, Region Skåne
Boubou Hallberg, Hospital Director, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Markus Lingman, Chief Physician and Strategist, Region Halland
Ameli Norling, Head of Health and Medical Care, SKR
Daniel Forslund, Development Manager, Vårdföretagarna
Peter Kjäll, industrial policy expert, Tech Sweden
Mattias Fredricson, Head of Department, National Board of Health and Welfare
Max Herulf, Deputy Director General, Swedish eHealth Agency
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
AI and language modeling enable uniquely powerful tools for higher quality, better service, and more efficient processes in the public sector. Several promising pilot projects have been carried out, but obstacles remain before AI can be used on a large scale. What are the main challenges - and opportunities - of AI?
What about a public sector with shorter response times, automated judgments in the eyes of the law, and simplified communication? AI and language modeling have great potential to strengthen and improve the quality of the public sector. A number of early AI projects at government agencies have shown opportunities but also insights into obstacles to the implementation of AI-based solutions in government Sweden. These include lack of resources, lack of expertise, directives, and legal frameworks. Welcome to AI Sweden's garden for a conversation with several government agency leaders about the consequences of applying AI. What strategies are necessary to ensure responsible development and implementation in the public sector?
Petra Lundh, National Police Commissioner, Swedish Police Authority
Jens Mattsson, Director General and Head of Authority, FOI
Niclas Lamberg, Head of Information and Communication Technology, Swedish Transport Administration
Fredrik Heintz, Professor at Linköping University and member of the AI Commission
Magnus Sahlgren, Head of Research Language Technologies, AI Sweden
Sharon Jåma: Journalist, editor, and program host at SVT and Swedish Radio, among others.
Organizer: AI Sweden
The development of the large AI models that form the basis of many of today's new products and services is moving at breakneck speed. What is the next big step in technology development and how has a country as small as Sweden managed to be relevant in the global development?
When OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, Sweden already had the first large language model for Swedish and Nordic languages, GPT-SW3, ready. Developed by AI Sweden's NLU team, led by Magnus Sahlgren, together with RISE and WASP, the model positioned Sweden as a leader in the development of large language models at the European level.
In addition to the ongoing development of multimodal models, AI Sweden, together with the German Fraunhofer, has now been commissioned to train language models for all EU languages.
Why is it important for Sweden to build its own capacity to develop language models when there are a number of leading models on the market? Listen to a conversation with Magnus Sahlgren, Head of Research at AI Sweden's Natural Language Understanding Lab, about what's happening behind the scenes in AI development, the latest on the emerging language models, and how Sweden will continue to stay relevant.
Magnus Sahlgren, Head of Research Natural Language Understanding Lab, AI Sweden
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
Sweden was an early adopter of the latest technological developments 25 years ago when personal computers and the internet took off. Swedes were behind many of the early successes of the internet. Today, we see the rest of the world rushing to develop and apply AI - is Sweden lagging behind?
Artificial intelligence is on everyone's lips. The latest technological developments are expected to reshape entire sectors of society and change the way we work and communicate. The last time a similar technological shift occurred was 25 years ago, with the advent of the internet and the personal computer. At that time, Swedes enjoyed great success as companies quickly jumped on the technology bandwagon and became leaders in innovating new services for how we use the internet for music, payments, and communication even today. What can we learn from how they acted then and what challenges do we see today? Welcome to AI Sweden's garden and a conversation with former politicians and decision-makers about how Sweden's behavior stands in the AI era.
Peter Eriksson, Minister for Digitalisation 2016-2019 and former spokesperson for the Swedish Green Party
Annie Lööf, former leader of the Center Party (participates online)
Karin Hübinette
Wednesday June 26
Organizer: AI Sweden
Sweden's energy needs are expected to increase significantly as we transform our society and industries. Data sharing and AI technologies offer great opportunities for industries' transition work - is Sweden ready? Welcome to a discussion on how AI and data sharing contribute to the green transition.
With increasing energy demand, it becomes crucial to efficiently deliver electricity to the right place, in the right amount, and at the right time. The energy market is complex with many actors at different levels with different interests. In response to these challenges, AI Sweden joined forces with a range of stakeholders to create The Demand Map, an interactive platform for forecasting and scenarios using data sharing between producers, consumers, and suppliers. What's next for the digitalization of Sweden's electricity system? How do we ensure municipalities' power production and competitiveness? Welcome to a conversation where we discuss AI and data sharing as an answer to the green transition.
Niklas Wahlberg, VP System Solutions and Partnerships, Volvo Group
Magnus Fredricsson, Strategist Sustainable Community Development, Skaraborgs Kommunalförbund
Helena L Nilsson, Director of Regional Development, Region Västra Götaland
Jennie Sjöstedt, Head of Department Customer and Business, Göteborg Energi
Filip Kjellgren, Energy Strategist, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
Sweden is facing a staff shortage in the public sector with an aging population and a shrinking labour force. Three municipalities and three regions have joined forces to build a unique joint AI assistant for the public sector that relieves employees. What are the lessons learned and how do we scale this up?
Welcome to a live demo of an AI assistant tailored for the public sector. The public sector in Sweden is facing a major staff shortage due to an aging population and a shrinking workforce. AI technology for language has the potential to make a big impact in the public sector and be part of the solution to staff shortages in the coming years. However, most organizations are not equipped to harness the great potential of AI. Most importantly, Sweden lacks the data needed to train relevant language models tailored to the specific needs of the public sector. Together with municipalities, regions, and Intel, AI Sweden is running an initiative to build a common digital assistant for the public sector.
Jonatan Permert, AI Transformation Strategist at AI Sweden
Rebecka Lönnroth, Head of AI Adoption Public Sector at AI Sweden
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
AI developments are changing job roles and tasks at a rapid pace. What are the implications for individuals, leaders and the labour market? And what happens if we do not act on this change?
AI affects both jobs and the way we work. This creates a need for new initiatives, partnerships, and measures to ensure the right skills for a society with AI. In addition to technical expertise, there are new requirements for training and retraining in several occupational groups. What are the implications for individuals, leaders, and the labour market? And what happens if we do not act on the change? Welcome to a conversation that nuances the issue of AI and jobs, concretises the changes that are happening here and now and looks ahead and discusses long-term effects on the labour market.
Jessica Carragher Wallner, Workforce Leader, PwC Sverige
Patrik Nilsson, Samhällspolitisk chef, Akavia
Johanna Bergman, Director of Strategic Development AI Sweden
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Organizer: AI Sweden
Bold leadership is a key factor in successfully introducing AI into an organization. At the same time, Swedish CEOs show less commitment to AI compared to other countries. Do Swedish leaders have what it takes?
Welcome to a live podcast together with AI Sweden Podcast. AI Sweden invites you to a critical and thought-provoking conversation about the challenges and opportunities that Swedish leaders face in applying and benefiting from artificial intelligence. In this live podcast episode, bold leaders share personal insights and experiences from their AI journeys so far. What concrete - and visionary - strategies are needed to navigate the AI era? Don't miss the chance to gain a deeper understanding of what is really required of you as a leader to succeed with AI in Swedish organizations.
Conny Svensson, Head of AI Adoption, AI Sweden
Maria Vikingsson, Enhetschef Data & Analys, Västra Götalandsregionen
Lina Bjelkmar, VD, Indicate Me
Lovisa Ekman, CIO Svenska spel
Peter Kurzwelly, Head of Operations Canada, AI Sweden
Thursday June 27
Organizer: Red hat
Open source has been one of the main drivers of innovation over the last three decades. But how does open source drive AI? And how could artificial intelligence be further democratized?
Much of what we take for granted - from the internet, cloud services, streaming, etc. - would only have existed with the powerful engine of millions of developers working together to solve problems in tens of thousands of communities globally. When Meta's AI model Llama was made available as open source, it led to a flood of innovation. A short time later, 10,000’s of people had contributed to improvements that now mean everyone who wants to have access to models that previously only a few very large companies had the resources to develop. Now, there is a new way for 'ordinary users' to add their own expertise, knowledge, and documentation to an AI model - to customize it to their own needs. This tool, based on open source and available to everyone, has the potential to make AI the possession of all and not just controlled by a few big tech giants. We will discuss the possible uses and benefits of today's solutions, as well as the opportunities this democratization of AI could bring.
Mattias Paulsson, Enterprise Sales Manager, Red Hat
Andreas Bergqvist, Business developer AI, Red Hat
Organizer: AI Sweden
Sweden's municipalities need and want to use AI to develop the best welfare in the world. What actions are needed to turn challenges into opportunities? In this workshop, AI Sweden hooks arms with the AI Council of Sweden's municipalities and you who are in place to go from vision to reality.
AI Sweden, along with the AI Council for Swedish Municipalities and SKR, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, has identified challenges that need to be solved for Sweden's municipalities to accelerate their use of artificial intelligence. These include a shared vision, data sharing, skills enhancement, common standards, and test environments. AI Sweden has also developed an AI strategy for Sweden that emphasizes the importance of bold leadership and collaboration. How can we translate these challenges and ideas from vision to reality for AI use in Sweden's municipalities? What concrete steps need to be taken, and how do we take responsibility for implementation together? Come and meet AI Sweden, representatives of the Swedish AI Council, and exciting panelists who offer new knowledge about AI in Sweden's municipalities - together, we develop Sweden's welfare!
Andreas Skog, AI Change Agent AI Sweden
Rebecka Lönnroth, Head of AI Adoption Public Sector AI Sweden
Kia Lagerkvist, Digitaliseringschef Kristinehamns Kommun
Fredrik Edholm, Digitaliseringsstrateg Skövde kommun
Viktoria Hagelstedt, Avdelningschef Samordning och datadelning DIGG – Myndigheten för digital förvaltning
Fredrik Larsson, Regionråd (M) och ledamot av SKRs Beredning för digitalisering, Region Värmland
Sofia Avdeitchikova, Ledningsstrateg, SKR - Sveriges kommuner och regioner
No one has missed how regions have been struggling with reduced budgets and cuts in the wake of the pandemic and recession. Many are now looking to AI, hoping it will help create benefits for users by automating and optimizing undemanding and costly tasks.
In business and the public sector, the demand for service levels is increasing, and websites are growing. With the accelerated use of AI-generated information, there will be higher demands on selecting the right content at the right time. Region Gotland is the first region to automate information selection using AI in the first of many web projects. Join us on the journey from a feasibility study to a fully launched website showing over 250,000 AI recommendations a month to visitors. Regardless of size, everyone must adhere to the same regulations regarding GDPR, accessibility, and data management. This entails complex requirements, which few can handle. Sitevision met the high demands of Region Gotland. Together with their partner Soleil, they have supported the region in the project and utilized the latest technology to make it easier for all the region's website visitors to get the level of service they are entitled to. The event will also feature trend spotting. What can we expect from Region Gotland websites in the future?
Sebastian Havdelin, Projektledare Nya
Fredrik Stodne, Co-founder Soleil
Matilda Viktorsson, Affärsutvecklare, Sitevision
Robin Tuorda, Co-founder
Organizer: AI Sweden
Sweden is facing major societal challenges. How is AI used in non-profit organizations to move society forward? Welcome to a conversation about how UNICEF, Reach for Change, Mind, the Red Cross, and the Swedish Sea Rescue Society are implementing AI today.
Recent developments in AI have given the non-profit sector a new toolbox with great opportunities to run successful operations with simple resources. In AI Sweden's AI for Impact project, five non-profit organizations are working to develop AI solutions to take on challenges in completely new ways. Come and learn how the Red Cross in Umeå is developing a voice translation app, how UNICEF is analyzing data to increase donor loyalty, and how the Swedish Sea Rescue Society is implementing AI tools to improve its presence at sea. Further examples and perspectives on AI in the non-profit sector will be discussed in a conversation with AI Sweden and representatives from civil society.
Carl Norling Markai, Impact Initiative Developer, AI Sweden
Sofia Breitholtz, CEO, Reach for Change
Richard Bracken, Secretary-General, Mind
Karin Vajta Eriksson, Head of Communications, AI Sweden
Organizer: HPE - Hewlett Packard Enterprise
AI is becoming more capable. There are new breakthroughs all the time, and new abilities and functions are being announced all the time. We also see how AI is becoming an increasingly natural part of our society. AI is used today in the exercise of authority, in banks' credit assessment processes, in schools, in our cars, in healthcare, etc.
AI is now used by many of us in our daily digital lives - from unlocking our mobiles using facial recognition to choosing a restaurant. Many of these uses of AI are largely harmless. But as AI becomes increasingly embedded in the private and public sectors, how do we ensure that the decisions made by our technology are in line with our values and desires? And how do we set ourselves up to enable us to comply with upcoming regulations and legislation? In this panel, we discuss AI with a focus on accountability, understanding, transparency, and control.
Patrick Couch, AI-expert, HPE
Viktor Rosenqvist, Business Developer, PostNord
Christina Ramm-Ericsson, Head of Industrial Policy and Chief Economist, TechSverige
Ann-Therése Enarsson, CEO, Futurion Think Tank
Organizer: inooLabs
In the future, the public sector will need to deliver 125% of welfare with only 75% of resources. AI will play a crucial role in relieving the administrative burden and driving quality improvement and efficiency. How to think about strategy for AI, and what works in practice?
AI has great potential to improve welfare. In this seminar, we will present insights and concrete lessons learned from AI implementations that have created great value. Our key message is to dare to test despite the fact that technology is moving very fast and regulations are constantly evolving (for example, the EU AI Act). Although the technology is complex, the strategy to tackle it need not be. Organizations that develop an exploratory mindset and ensure they have the right kind of tools (both from a technical and business perspective) in place not only manage to gain value quickly, but learn about the technology along the way and can use this increase in competence to drive long-term quality improvements and internal innovation.
David Wallén, CEO inooLabs
Jessica Carragher Wallner, Partner, PWC Sverige
Organizer: AI Sweden
The government has set up an AI Commission, which will submit proposals by 1 July 2025, and is also working on a digitalization strategy. At the same time, other countries are investing huge sums in computing power, AI applications, and development. What measures are needed in Sweden, and when?
AI is changing the world. Technological developments are transforming society in unprecedented ways, affecting everything from the labour market, education, and public services to our competitiveness and prosperity.
Many countries that are at the forefront internationally and invested heavily in AI research early on have now realized the need for investment to enable implementation and value creation.
Does Sweden have an opportunity as a fast follower to make the right policy decisions and wise investments from the start?
Erik Slottner, (KD) Minister of Public Administration
Martin Lundstedt, CEO Volvo Group
Karin Hübinette
For questions, reach out to

Mikael Ljungblom
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