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AI PoC:et fika


Let’s keep it simple - a weekly standup fika for sharing what’s being worked on in the Data Factory of AI Sweden in a casual way.

Arranged by: 
AI Sweden

Let’s keep it simple - a weekly standup fika for sharing what’s being worked on in the Data Factory of AI Sweden in a casual way. The aim is to share experiences and hands-on knowledge from the use cases in the Data Factory. Each week one use case owner will share their experience.

In a relaxed setting, an AI Sweden partner with a use case in the Data Factory gets the opportunity to talk about what they are working on. This gives e.g. data scientists, systems engineers and others that are interested in the field a chance to listen in to interesting, ongoing projects in the Data Factory. 

The partner will present for 15-20 minutes followed by a few, brief follow-up questions. The fika ends after 30 minutes.


Topics and dates
21 May 2021 Speech to text with Tenfifty


The link for the webinar will be shared in the confirmation email when registering.
Please note that the event will be recorded.


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