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Background to Information-driven healthcare

Medical breakthroughs enable a larger proportion of the population to live longer and healthier lives. But this demographic shift also means that the number of patients with chronic diseases is growing and therefore increasing the demand for healthcare. It is clear that the transformation needed in the healthcare sector to meet this challenge cannot be achieved simply by providing more resources. New digital support systems, new forms of cooperation and different working methods are required. 

Artificial intelligence has the potential to play a key role in this transformation of the healthcare systems and for enabling patients to be actively involved in their healthcare processes. In order to introduce AI in healthcare services on a national level, more knowledge is needed about the available data, the legal issues and implementation options.

The successful solutions which have been created on a local or regional level must be distributed and implemented throughout the country. More collaboration between different regions and caregivers will lead to more efficient use of healthcare resources. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, healthcare organizations can come together with AI Sweden to share this work. 

For more information, contact

Lorna Bartram
Lorna Bartram
AI Transformation Strategist - Healthcare
+46 (0)70-635 71 01