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"Incremental AI" - about how we might integrate AI into legal decision-making

School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1, Gothenburg

Artificial intelligence is one of the technologies which is believed to fundamentally change our society. It shapes how we think about software and decision making, it influences all kinds of professions and how we think about them. This workshop is dedicated to discuss how we can take the most out of the combination of AI and law.

Arranged by: 
University of Gothenburg

Law is one of the professions where AI has shown a lot of potential. On one hand, researchers have been able to design AI-based recommendation systems which can propose a verdict to the process of judging cases. On the other hand, there is a need for understanding how we need to think about concepts like responsibility, liability or accountability when AI is involved.


12.30-13.00 Registration
13.00-13.45 Keynote from Prof. Daniel Chen, "Incremental AI" - about how we might integrate AI into legal decision-making.
13.45-14:00 Questions from the audience
14:00-14:20 Fika
14:20-14:35 Response by Prof. Robert Feldt, Technical perspective of AI - current development and limitations
14.35-14.50 Response by Prof. Gregor Noll, AI and law at University of Gothenburg
14.50-15:45 Moderated panel discussion: Prof. Chen, Prof. Feldt, Prof. Noll, with questions from the audience
15.45-16:00 Closing

Keynote: Prof. Daniel L. Chen, Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics

Read more and register here